Terms of Use
Thank you for visiting WhyDoesEverythingSuck.net (hereinafter known as “Website,” “Site”, “we,” “us”). Please read these Terms of Use (hereinafter known as “Terms,” “terms and conditions”) carefully. These Terms are a legal contract regulating your use of the Website. By using the Website, you accept these Terms in full. These terms and conditions affect your legal rights and obligations, so if you do not accept them, please do not use the Website.
1. Your Use of the Site
1.1. You may not use the Site:
- In any way or method that is considered fraudulent, misleading, or unlawful;
- To post content that is considered abusive, harassing, obscene, libelous, or hateful;
- To copy, download, or distribute content from the Website for commercial purposes;
- To change, remove, adapt, copy, or download any of the content on the Website unless you have prior written permission to do so;
- To post, upload, copy, or distribute material from the Website that is protected under copyright and intellectual property laws without obtaining permission from the owner(s) of said material;
- To send or post unauthorized advertising or promotional material, or engage in any kind of solicitation;
- To interfere with another person’s use of the Website;
- To knowingly post, upload, or otherwise transmit any content that contains viruses, files, or programs that might interfere or limit the services provided by the Website.
1.2. By using this Site, you are obliged to:
- Use the Website in accordance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations;
- To notify us of any attempt at copyright or distribution of content and materials you know or suspect of;
- To keep your account information accurate and updated, as well as maintain the confidentiality of your password and account. We are not liable for any loss or damage to your personal information arising from your failure to adhere to these Terms;
- You are responsible for all content you post on the Site. We have no responsibility concerning the material you post and will be free to display, host, or otherwise use said material at our sole discretion.
2. Intellectual Property
2.1. All the content on the Site is owned by us and as such cannot be reproduced, altered, or used without prior written permission.
2.2. Content from third-parties (product names, logos, design marks or trademarks) is the sole property of their respective owner(s) and cannot be changed, reproduced, or used in any way that infringes copyright, and other intellectual property rights.
3. Limitations of Liability
3.1. We are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including but not limited to loss of data or revenue, injury to reputation, as well as any device malfunction or work interruption that may arise from your use of the Website.
3.2. We try to ensure that all the content on the Site is accurate and updated. However, we do not provide any warranty that all content is correct, reputable, and current. We are not liable for the accuracy or reliance of content posted by you or third parties.
3.3. The Website contains reviews and links to third-party websites posted by other users of the Site. The opinions provided in those comments and reviews are to be seen as views and opinions of the users and not of WhyDoesEverythingSuck.net. We are not liable for any technical, factual, or typographical errors, omissions, or inaccurate representations of content posted by third parties.
3.4. The Website may contain links to external sites. We are in no way liable for the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the content posted on these sites. We are also not liable for any damage you might suffer as a result of using third-party links.
4. Availability of the Website
4.1. We cannot promise that the Site will meet all your needs and requirements, nor that the Website will be glitch-free. We cannot guarantee that the Website will run without interruptions and that it will be fault-and error-free at all times.
4.2. Access to this Website may be temporarily restricted as a result of maintenance, system, or network failure, or due to reasons beyond our control.
5. Reviews
5.1. The people who write the reviews (hereinafter known as Reviewers) are obliged:
- To write reviews that represent their honest and unbiased views and opinions;
- To write reviews that are not intended to damage or enhance the reputation of the subject of the review;
- Not to write reviews for any money’s worth by a third party;
- Not to post any material and/or content that they know to be misleading, vulgar, fraudulent, or inaccurate;
- To write reviews that are original and not copied from another source in its entirety or parts thereof;
5.2. By providing their review, Reviewers grant the Site exclusive and irrevocable license to host, display, alter, or use the review for any purpose.
5.3. We reserve the right to remove or change any content on the Site at our sole discretion.
6. General Terms
6.1. By using the Website, you agree that these Terms are a legal and binding contract between you and the Site and overrule all prior agreements regarding these Terms.
6.2. We reserve the right to alter, update, or modify these Terms for legal or regulatory reasons or purposes. Any changes to these Terms will be announced on the Site and will take effect immediately after the notification. By continuing the use of the Site after these Terms have been updated or changed, you agree to be legally bound by said updates and changes.
6.3. Your rights and obligations under these Terms may not be transferred or assigned to a third party.
6.4. We are not liable for any breaches of these terms and conditions if they are caused by circumstances or occurrences beyond our control.
7. Law and Jurisdiction
7.1. These Terms are governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States.
7.2. Any and all disputes arising from the subject matter of these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the US courts.